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Data In Ticket Creation

The creation of tickets on the basis of 'Data Input' objects is configured via Valuemation mainparameters with path 'ServiceDataIn'. The following parameters are used in standard Valuemation:

  • Call tickets of ticket type 'General Request' are created.
    • INC_tickt_class

      value: Call

      type: String

    • INC_tickt_type

      value: General_Request

      type: String

  • The new Call tickets get status 'Created' and support group 'Call Center'.
    • INC_tickt_status

      value: CA_CRE

      type: String

    • INC_tickt_supportGrp

      value: CALL CENTER

      type: String

  • Priority and Severity of the Call tickets is set to 3.
    • INC_default_priority

      value: 3

      type: Integer

    • INC_default_severity

      value: 3 medium

      type: String

  • Statement type of the new tickets will be 'Information', the default value for the call media attribute is 'Email' (other possible values of this ticket attribute include 'Call' (a value used for information coming from an actual phone call), 'ZIS', 'Facebook' etc.)
    • INC_DESC_satztyp

      value: Information

      type: String

    • INC_callmedia

      value: Email

      type: String

  • If the sender of the source email cannot be found among 'Person' objects registered in Valuemation, the default person specified by parameter 'defaultPersonNo' is used as referenced ticket reporter.
    • defaultPersonNo

      value: ORCHESTRA

      type: String

The values represent defaults for the newly created tickets. These defaults can be changed by editing corresponding mainparameter values. Values for each individual created ticket can be changed during ticket processing.

The tickets are further processed using standard Valuemation processes. For instance, if 'Call' tickets are created, the data goes through the 'Call Acceptance' process.

See Also

Mail-In via Valuemation Enterprise Integrator

Orchestra Settings

Data Input

Data In Escalation