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Data In Escalation

The interface database table ('AMA_DATA_IN') is periodically inspected an escalation with escalation parameter servicing escalation type 'SERVICE_DATA_IN' whose 'Normal' escalation level defines the escalation process in the following way:

  • Escalation action runs workflow 'SERVICE_DATAIN_DISPATCHER'.

    The workflow reads data in the interface table and decides whether a new ticket will be created or an existing one updated by adding a new ticket description. The decision is made by checking the value of the 'DATA_SHORTTEXT' database field holding the email subject. If the number of the existing ticket is identified here, a new ticket description for this ticket is created. Otherwise a new ticket is created.

    After one of these operations has been performed, the workflow sets the 'State (work)' attribute of the source 'Data Input' record to value 'Done'.

    The workflow calls other 'SERVICE_DATAIN_%' workflows for individual tasks.

  • Escalation condition determines which 'Data Input' entries are selected for processing. The condition is defined in the following way:
    • State (Transfer) = 'Done'

      The data must be completely transferred from the email to the 'AMA_DATA_IN' table, I.E. 'Data Input' object type. (Status from the viewpoint of Orchestra)

    • State (Work) = 'Initialized'

      Only 'Data Input' objects with 'State (work)' in status 'Initialized' are selected for processing. (Status from the viewpoint of Valuemation)

    • Source System Type = 'Email'

      This value is filled in by the Orchestra interface. Different system source types can be used to signify different data sources processed by Orchestra and sent over to Valuemation. This way the 'Data Input' table could be used to store and process data coming from multiple external sources.

    • Target System Type = 'Valuemation'

      Similar to source system type, this value is also filled in by Orchestra. Although most of the time 'Valuemation' will be the target system, a different target system (such as USU KnowledgeCenter) can be used.

    • Business Area = 'Incident Management'

      Another value filled in by Orchestra. Default value 'Incident Management' (as specified in Orchestra settings) covers incident, service request and call tickets.

See the 'Valuemation Escalation' chapter for more information on escalations including escalation running and escalation agent settings.

See Also

Mail-In via Valuemation Enterprise Integrator

Orchestra Settings

Data Input

Data In Ticket Creation