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Orchestra Settings

This topic documents Orchestra settings necessary to set up the interface with Valuemation. For more information on Orchestra please refer to its own documentation.

Definition of Landscape Settings

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Definition of Valuemation Database

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Mail-In-Server: Mailserver IP-Address and Port

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Directory of log files

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Predefinition of Client ID

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Predefinition of Business Area

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Definition of Mailbox User

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Definition of Timer (used by Orchestra to poll the mailbox)

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It is also possible to define how emails will be handled after being processed (to prevent multiple processing of one and the same email), e.g. moved from the defined 'Inbox' folder to a 'Done' folder if processed successfully or to an 'Error' folder if the processing failed.

See Also

Mail-In via Valuemation Enterprise Integrator

Data Input

Data In Escalation

Data In Ticket Creation