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Data Input

Data stored in the 'AMA_DATA_IN' database table is presented as objects of Valuemation object type 'Data Input'. 'Data Input' objects can be inspected using a standard Valuemation catalog and editor.

  • Data Input catalog

    The catalog lists all data in the 'AMA_DATA_IN' table, i.e. data created from emails by Orchestra. Already processed objects are displayed with a green check mark icon at the beginning of the catalog row.

  • Data Input editor

    Individual objects of the Data Input catalog can be viewed and possibly edited in the 'Data Input' editor. Already processed objects have 'State (work)' attribute set to 'Done' and 'Shorttext' filled in with text 'Updated by Valuemation workflow'.

    Data created by Orchestra will usually not be manually edited. One possible use for editing the data could be for testing purposes.

See Also

Mail-In via Valuemation Enterprise Integrator

Orchestra Settings

Data In Escalation

Data In Ticket Creation