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Root Object Types

Archive configuration can be created only for object types marked as 'Root Type'.

An object types which can exist on its own can be considered a 'Root Type'. For instance, while object type 'Ticket' can be marked as 'Root Type', object type 'Ticket Description' is not a good 'Root Type' candidate because a ticket description is always used in the context of the ticket it belongs to.

While marking an object type as 'Root Type' is a necessary condition for its archievability, it does not automatically mean that the object type will be archived. An object type can be marked as 'Root Type' even if it is not intended for archiving but data archiving is currently the only functionality utilizing the 'Root Type' attribute.

Selection of root object types

From the viewpoint of data archiving, best practice for setting up root object types is to select only one root type for each individual "archiving thread". For instance, in a scenario in which tickets and systems are to be archived, archiving of tickets and their related object types represents one "archiving thread" and archiving of systems and their related object types represents another "archiving thread". For the "Ticket thread", only one object type should be used as 'Root Type' - the 'Ticket' object type. Objects of related object types (e.g. ticket descriptions) will also be archived but these should not be marked as 'Root Type'. Similarly, for the "System thread" only the 'System' object types will be used as 'Root Type'. Although e.g. components will also be archived, the 'Component' object type should not be marked as 'Root Type'. Components will be archived on the basis of their relation to archived systems.

Specifying a root object type

  • Open the object type in the Object Type Customizer
  • On the 'Object Type' tab, select the 'Root Type' check box and save the changes.

Only object types specified as a root type are offered for selection when a new archive configuration is created.

Examples of root object types:

Generic object types - marked as 'Root type' in the Object Type Customizer

  • System, Component, Person, Supportgroup, Order, Budget, Project, Facility, Location...

To see a list of all object types currently marked as root, go to the 'Archiving Configurations' catalog and call action 'Create'. An object type browser filtered to root object types will open.

Technical object types - marked as 'Root type' in the code (cannot be marked as 'Root Type' by simple customization).

  • Business Process Instances
  • User Sessions
  • Logged Workflow Instances

    'Enable logging of transient workflows' must be selected in 'Global Settings/Application Monitoring' for Workflow instances to be logged.

See Also

Archiving Configuration

Creation of Archiving Configuration

Relations in Archiving Configuration