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Creation of Archiving Configuration

To specify how objects of a given object type should be archived, a new archive configuration must be created.


  • General - the Archive database schema must exist
  • Object type specific - the target object type of the archiving must be specified as 'root' type

To create a new archive configuration:

  1. Open the 'Archiving Configurations' catalog.

    You may need to add the catalog to the sidebar if this is a first time creation.

  2. Right-click in the 'Archiving Configurations' catalog and call action 'Create'.
  3. The object type browser opens, listing only 'root' object types. Select the object type for which an archive configuration needs to be created.

    If the required object type is not listed, then it is necessary to specify it as 'root' type in the Object Type Customizer. Please consider the best practice rules described in 'Root Object Types' before doing so.

  4. Specify a condition determining which object of the object type will be archived. Standard Valuemation query editor can be used to create the condition. The editor is called by the 'Set Condition' button next to the 'Condition' field.

    Note that when archiving is triggered by data rules (DPM), the condition specified here is ignored and a condition in the corresponding data rule action is used.

    See below for an example of an archiving condition.

  5. Optionally, fill in a description for the configuration. For example, explain in "human terms" which objects will be selected by the archiving condition (e.g. 'Closed Tickets older than 2 years').
  6. In the 'Relations' tab, specify archiving of related objects.

    The 'Relations' tab lists relations with foreign key pointing to the archived object type. For example, for the 'Ticket' object type relations will include e.g. ticket descriptions (relation name 'descriptions') or related systems (relation name 'systems'). The 'Action' column of the 'Relations' tab indicates which archiving action has been automatically selected for the relation. This pre-selected action can (and sometimes should) be manually changed. See topic 'Relations in Archive Configuration' for more information.

  7. Select the 'Enabled' check box to enable archiving based on this particular archiving configuration. Conversely, clear the check box to keep an already specified archiving configuration dormant.

    If the configuration is not enabled, it is possible to run archiving simulation but not the actual archiving.

Example of an archiving condition

The following is an example condition which could be used for archiving of all closed incidents created more than 2 years ago (the current time being the time of running the archive action). == 'Incident' && in(status,'IN_CLD') && datchg < _2YearsAgo()

A brief overview of 'Archive Config' editor fields and actions

  • Object Type

    Object type whose archiving is being configured

  • Condition

    Condition for selection of objects to be archived

  • Description

    Description characterizing the configured archiving for simple identification

  • Enabled

    Only when this check box is selected the configured archiving can be used

  • Relations

    Tab where archiving of related object types is specified.

  • Analyze

    Use this button to re-analyze the archived object type and its relations. It needs to be done when new relations have been added to the root object type or when delete rules on the relations have been changed.

    Running the analysis adds the new relations to the 'Relations' list. The relations are assigned the default archiving action. The action can be manually changed if necessary.

  • Condition

    Use this button to open Valuemation query editor for specifying the 'Condition'.

See Also

Archiving Configuration

Root Object Types

Relations in Archiving Configuration