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Creating a Shortcut and Icon

To create a Valuemation desktop shortcut:

  1. Right-click your desktop and select New > Shortcut from the menu.

    Use the 'Browse' button to select the 'run.bat' or 'admin.bat' executable file located in the Valuemation installation directory.

  2. Click 'Next' in the dialog box and type a suitable name for the shortcut.
  3. Click 'Finish'.

To create a Valuemation Start Menu shortcut:

The procedure depends on the actual MS Windows version.

In Windows 7:

  1. Right-click the 'run.but' or 'admin.bat' file and select 'Send to Desktop (create shortcut)'.
  2. Drag the shortcut from the desktop to the Start menu.

In Windows 8:

  1. Create a Valuemation shortcut on your desktop pointing to the 'run.bat' or 'admin.bat' file.
  2. Open File Explorer and turn on 'Show Hidden Files and Folders'
  3. Move or Cut or Copy that shortcut to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
  4. Say 'Continue' or 'Yes' if prompted.
  5. Go to Metro and search for the name of the shortcut you created or press the down arrow to show all items for the Start screen.
  6. When it appears, right-click it and choose 'Pin to Start'.

See Also

Installation and Configuration of Valuemation Rich Client

set_env.bat file settings file settings

admin.bat file settings

runCrypto.bat file

Authentication Configuration

Runnning the Rich Client