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set_env.bat file settings

In the 'set_env.bat' file you must set:

1. Java Runtime Environment settings

The installation path of the Java Runtime has to be specified by setting the 'JDK' parameter.

Example: SET JDK:C:\Java_installation_folder

2. Path to the db driver

Example: SET JDBC=%S3LIB%\ojdbc7.jar

Note: The example above is a setting for Oracle db v.12 or higher.

3. Valuemation installation directory

The installation path of Valuemation has to be specified.

By default, the path is set to the local directory:


Note: Change this only if you keep the sources at a different location, for example the file-server installation.

For Network Installations, please add the following information and change it according to your setup:

rem # The Valuemation installation directory.
SET S3_SOURCE=Z:\Valuemation_dir_on_network_drive

rem # The Valuemation local directory if the installation directory is different.
SET LOCAL_DIR="%LOCAL_DISC%\Valuemation_local_dir"
if not exist %LOCAL_DIR% mkdir %LOCAL_DIR%

See Also

Installation and Configuration of Valuemation Rich Client file settings

admin.bat file settings

runCrypto.bat file

Authentication Configuration

Runnning the Rich Client

Creating a Shortcut and Icon