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admin.bat file settings

The 'admin.bat' file configures main Java parameters needed for the correct startup and the execution of the Valuemation application.

In the 'admin.bat' file you can configure:

1. Java Runtime memory parameters

  • '-Xms' parameter specifies the initial memory allocation pool for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). It is recommended to set the initial memory allocation to: -Xms=256m
  • '-Xmx' parameter specifies the maximum memory allocation pool for a Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

Note: The maximal memory allocation depends on the JRE version. Please refer to:

2. Java Runtime Environment mode settings

The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) can run in two modes:

  • The "window mode" (hidden on the background of the Valuemation window).

    In this case, you can list the log events only in the log file.

    START javaw -Xms256m -Xmx800m -XX:NewSize=32m - XX:MaxNewSize=32m -XX:SurvivorRatio=8 -classpath %TCP% %SECURITY% %EXITMANAGER% de.usu.s3.S3Application %1

  • The "console mode" (with persistent Java console in a separate window).

    There you can see all the log output in the Valuemation run-time.

    START java -Xms256m -Xmx800m -XX:NewSize=32m - XX:MaxNewSize=32m -XX:SurvivorRatio=8 -classpath %TCP% %SECURITY% %EXITMANAGER% de.usu.s3.S3Application %1

3. The Valuemation log file settings

The path to the log file can be specified by parameter vm.log.dir - by adding -Dvm.log.dir=C:\ValuemationLocalDir to %JAVA_PARAMS% variable found in the 'admin.bat' file.

4. Module Restriction Mode (optional)

The setting is usually applied when you want to prevent users from seeing the selected business modules. It is usually used for Valuemation running in the User Mode.

The following settings can be applied:

  • run.bat file

    Change your 'run.bat' file to contain the -modulefilter parameter.


    "admin.bat - usermode - modulefilter"

  • admin.bat file

    Change your 'admin.bat' file to be able work with two parameters.


    START javaw %JAVA_PARAMS% -Xms256m -Xmx512m -XX:NewSize=20m -XX:MaxNewSize=20m -XX:SurvivorRatio=8 -XX:PermSize=32m -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=20 -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=40 -classpath %TCP% %SECURITY% %EXITMANAGER% %USE_EMBEDDED_BROWSER% %ENABLE_CTI% de.usu.s3.S3Application %1 %2

Alternatively, it is possible to apply the module restriction in the 'admin.bat' file:

  • Add -usermode -modulefilter parameters to the 'admin.bat' file.


    START javaw %JAVA_PARAMS% -Xms256m -Xmx512m -XX:NewSize=20m -XX:MaxNewSize=20m -XX:SurvivorRatio=8 -XX:PermSize=32m -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=20 -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=40 -classpath %TCP% %SECURITY% %EXITMANAGER% %USE_EMBEDDED_BROWSER% %ENABLE_CTI% de.usu.s3.S3Application %1 - usermode -modulefilter

5. Console (optional)

For SQL logging or extended debugging, Valuemation console can be enabled.

To enable the console, add the following parameters to %JAVA_PARAMS% variable:


6. Embedded Process Engine (optional)

To enable the Process Engine, add the following parameters to %JAVA_PARAMS% variable:


-DProcessInterpreter.enabled=true -DProcessInterpreter.logSteps=false -DProcessInterpreter.stepInMillis=1500 -DProcessInterpreter.startOnLoad=false -DProcessInterpreter.userName=PROCESSINTERPRETER -DProcessInterpreter.cryptedPassword=9A1E8801BD3B8B1AFF764F3709D0DF19 -DTaskExecutor.enabled=true -DTaskExecutor.logSteps=false -DTaskExecutor.stepInMillis=1500 -DTaskExecutor.startOnLoad=false -DTaskExecutor.userName=TASKEXECUTOR01 -DTaskExecutor.cryptedPassword=9A1E8801BD3B8B1AFF764F3709D0DF19 -DPEWatchDog.logSteps=false -DPEWatchDog.stepInMillis=25000

7. Java v.8 specific

Problems with sending emails from Valuemation have been reported when Java version 8 is used. To prevent these problems, make sure that the following parameter setting is present in the 'admin.bat' file:

See Also

Installation and Configuration of Valuemation Rich Client

set_env.bat file settings file settings

runCrypto.bat file

Authentication Configuration

Runnning the Rich Client

Creating a Shortcut and Icon