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Automatic Sending of Object Attachments With Emails

Email templates can be set up so that attachments of the Valuemation object for which an email is sent are automatically attached to the email.

Two types of settings influence this functionality:

  • Template-specific settings on the 'Email template' tab of the email template editor.
  • Global email template settings in Valuemation mainparameters

Template-specific settings

The 'Email template' tab of the email template editor provides settings for sending object attachments by email. These setting apply to emails based on the edited email template.

  • Send object attachments

    If the 'Send object attachments' check box is selected, attachments of the object for which the email is sent will also be attached to the email.

    Selecting the check box in the editor unhides related condition fields.

  • Condition when object attachments will be sent

    A condition applied to the object. Only attachments of objects meeting the condition will be sent.

    For example, ticket attachments will be sent with the email only for tickets reaching a certain status.

  • Attachment condition

    A condition applied to the attached files. Only files meeting the condition will be sent with the email.

    For example, only files with certain file extensions (e.g. image files) will be sent.

    To specify the condition in the condition fields, click the 'pen' button to the right of the field. Valuemation 'Edit Query' popup editor opens. Use it to specify the condition.

    Example: To limit the attached files to MS Word documents only, you can specify the following condition:

    • Attribute = File Type
    • Operator = starts with
    • Value = 'doc'

Template-specific settings are complemented by additional Mainparameter settings which apply globally to all email templates.

Mainparameters influencing object attachment sending by email

  • Maximum allowed total size of attached files (MB)
    • path: emailtemplate.settings.addAttachments
    • parameter: maxAllAttachmentsSizeMB
  • Maximum allowed size of each individual attached file (MB)
    • path: emailtemplate.settings.addAttachments
    • parameter: maxOneAttachmentSizeMB
  • Attachment sorting
    • path: emailtemplate.settings.addAttachments
    • parameter: sortBy

    This parameter may influence which attachments get send when the 'maxAllAttachmentsSizeMB' limit is used. Namely: attachments are sorted in the defined way, then checked for compliance with the size criteria. If one attachment falls outside the size criteria, the next attachment in the sorting order is considered and possibly attached (if it meets the criteria).

    Example of sortBy:

    The following mainparameter will sort the attachments by the 'Date Created' attribute in an descending order and then by 'File Name' alphabetically within each group with the same 'Date Created':

    • path: emailtemplate.settings.addAttachments
    • parameter: sortBy
    • value: datcre descending, fileName

Note: Mainparameters of the 'emailtemplate.settings.addAttachments' path apply only to attachments of emails based on email template definitions. If a different way of sending emails is used, these mainparameter restrictions do not apply.

See Also

Email Templates in Use

Creating an Email Template

Email Localization

Send for BO Status

Inserting a Runlink

Sending an Email

Template Using a Report

Adding the 'Send Email' Action to a Catalog