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The Shop Workspace

Selection of products and services is done in the main Shop workspace.

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The Shop workspace contains the following elements:

  • (A) Home Icon

    In each of the Shop screens, the top left-hand icon provides a shortcut to the main Shop workspace.

  • (B) Templates

    The content of a cart can be saved as a template for further repeated use. Multiple templates can be saved. See 'Saving Carts and Templates' for more information.

  • (C) Saved Carts

    The content of a cart can also be saved for later, postponed processing. Multiple carts can be saved. Using a saved cart to create a request removes the cart from the save carts collection. See 'Saving Carts and Templates' for more information.

  • (D) Submitted Requests

    All requests submitted by the current user are registered. 'Submitted Requests' at the top of the main Shop workspace opens a catalog of these requests. It can be used for tracking previous requests and their status.

  • (E) Cart

    The 'Cart for ...' link opens a view of the shopping cart. The cart displays products and services which have been selected so far for final request submission.

    The cart content can be previewed without the need to open the cart window. Hover over the 'Cart for ...' link to display a mouseover popup with the cart content.

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  • (F) Breadcrumb navigation

    Category path navigation which makes it possible to go back within the categories hierarchy leading to the current position.

  • (1) Search field

    Use the search field for fulltext search in the names of all shop categories as well as products and services. See topic 'Using the Search Field' for an example of its use.

  • (2) Category browser

    Use the category browser to navigate through the category tree and select a category. Products and service belonging to the category will be displayed in the main Shop workspace. See topic 'The Categories Browser' for examples.

  • (3) Categories / Products pre-filter
  • (4) Available products and services in the selected category

    If a category which has subcategories is currently selected in the category browser, the main shop workspace graphically displays the subcategories and all products and services available in them. If a category or a subcategory with no further subcategories is currently selected, the main shop workspace displays the products and services available in it.

    See topic 'The Category Browser' for examples.

In This Chapter

Using the Search Field

The Category Browser

See Also

Service Request Shop

The Configurator

The Cart

Example: Ordering a PC Workplace

Example: Ordering a Service With Change Details