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Saving Carts and Templates

The content of the Cart can be saved for future use in two ways:

Save Cart

Use the 'Save Cart' button to postpone actual requesting of the cart content. Multiple carts can be saved, the number of saved carts is indicated at the top of the main Shop workspace. Carts saved by a user are remembered after re-logging to Valuemation.

To recall a saved cart:

  1. Click the 'Saved Carts' link at the top of the main Shop workspace.
  2. A catalog of saved carts opens. Select the cart you want to recall and click 'Open this Cart'.
  3. The content of the saved cart is loaded as the current cart. If the current cart is not empty, then the saved cart content replaces the current content. (A warning dialog is displayed, confirm by clicking 'Ok' in the dialog.)

After a cart has been requested, it is removed from the saved carts.

Automatic cart saving can also be enabled in the settings. If enabled, the cart is regularly saved in the background.

Save as Template

Use the 'Save as Template' button to keep the content of a cart for further, possibly repeated, use. Multiple templates can be saved, the number of saved templates is indicated at the top of the main Shop workspace. Templates saved by a user are remembered after re-logging to Valuemation.

To recall a shopping cart template:

  1. Click the 'Templates' link at the top of the main Shop workspace.
  2. A catalog of templates saved by the current user opens. Select a template and click 'Use this Template'.
  3. The content of the template is loaded as the current cart. If the current cart is not empty, then the template content replaces the current content. (A warning dialog is displayed, confirm by clicking 'Ok' in the dialog.)

Note that a template is not deleted after being requested.

See Also

The Cart