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Process Engine and Security Certificates

Process Engine functioning within Valuemation web client requires correctly set-up certificates for secure web communication.

The Process Engine InfoObject communicates with the Valuemation server via https. For the communication, a https communication canal is created in Java. The data obtained from the Valuemation server is signed by the certificate used by Valuemation and Java must be able to recognize it as a trusted certificate. If that is not the case, the 'unable to find valid certification path to requested target' error message is displayed and the communication is not established.

To remedy this situation, the certificate of the server must be obtained and imported to Java.

  1. Get the Valuemation server certificate from the administrator of the Valuemation server
  2. Import the certificate to Java keystore file 'cacerts' found in location '%JAVA_HOME%/jre/lib/security/'.

    The following commands can be used:

  • To list certificates registrered in cacerts (to check if the Valuemation certificate is registered), run command

keytool -list -keystore "%JAVA_HOME%/jre/lib/security/cacerts

  • To import the certificate, run command

keytool -import -noprompt -trustcacerts -alias <AliasName> -file <certificate> -keystore <KeystoreFile> -storepass <Password>


  • <AliasName> - name under which the certificate will be registered
  • <certificate> - binary source file of the certificate
  • <KeystoreFile> - file containing certificate keys (will be obtained with the certificate)

See Also

Process Engine Settings

How to start Process Engine on the Rich client

How to set-up and start Process Engine on Tomcat

How to Upgrade Existing Installation of Web-App with Process Engine

Process Engine Configuration File

Process Engine Console


Closing session in the catalog Sessions of Process Engine



Parameters for Process Engine Caching

Multilingual Support