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How to start Process Engine on the Rich client

Process Engine controls are easily accessible through the Rich Client menu. To enable these, the Process Engine Interpretor and Task Executor first need to be enabled.


To enable the Process Engine Interpretor and Task Executor, add the following line to the set_env.bat file, located in the VM root directory:

SET PE=-DProcessInterpreter.enabled=true -DProcessInterpreter.userName=PROCESSINTERPRETER -DProcessInterpreter.cryptedPassword=9A1E8801BD3B8B1AFF764F3709D0DF19 -DProcessInterpreter.stepInMillis=5000 -DProcessInterpreter.startOnLoad=false -DTaskExecutor.enabled=true -DTaskExecutor.userName=TASKEXECUTOR01 -DTaskExecutor.cryptedPassword=9A1E8801BD3B8B1AFF764F3709D0DF19 -DTaskExecutor.stepInMillis=5000 -DTaskExecutor.startOnLoad=false


Add the %PE% java variable to the admin.bat file, located in the VM root directory. See the highlighted variable in the following admin.bat configuration:

call set_env.bat

START javaw %JAVA_PARAMS% %VMUSERHOME% -Xms256m -Xmx1100m -classpath %TCP% %SECURITY% %EXITMANAGER% %PE% %USE_EMBEDDED_BROWSER% %ENABLE_CTI% %EMBEDJETTY% de.usu.s3.S3Application %1

rem -Xloggc:"gc_sqa.log" -XX:+PrintGCDetails

PE Controls are accessible now

After the Process Engine was correctly set up according to the instructions, the following menu item should be visible in Valuemation:

Help Image

See Also

Process Engine Settings

How to set-up and start Process Engine on Tomcat

How to Upgrade Existing Installation of Web-App with Process Engine

Process Engine Configuration File

Process Engine Console


Closing session in the catalog Sessions of Process Engine



Parameters for Process Engine Caching

Multilingual Support

Process Engine and Security Certificates