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How to Upgrade Existing Installation of Web-App with Process Engine

Process engine is (since VM 4.3 HF1) configured using the process engine configuration file, but some parameters remain in cxf-servlet.xml and web.xml.

  • Setup process engine configuration file
    • use default file and fix URL of node to reality
  • Use new web.xml and new cxf-servlet.xml
  • Set parameter value used in previous Valuemation version into corresponding parameter in new version, e.g.
    • cxf-servlet.xml: stepInMillis should be set in process engine configuration.json: stepInMillis

Comparison of features configured in previous and new Valuemation versions


Features configured in previous

Previous versions

4.3 +

process engine configuration file

in JSON format

not used

• Nodes

• Engines with assignments to nodes, using parameters:

- userName

- cryptedPassword

- startOnLoad

• Mail to report problem


ProcessInterpreter and TaskExecutor, and corresponding endpoints:






• WatchDog:

- userName

- cryptedPassword

- delayStartInMillis

- stepInMillis

- logSteps

• Endpoints of ProcessInterpreter, TaskExecutorA, TaskExecutorB:

- stepInMillis

- logSteps


• vmweb servlet



• cxf servlet

a defined parameter load-on-startup forces to start the local process engine on startup. WatchDog is created and started by the first engine which registers the WatchDog to be monitored.

• peconsole servlet

addresses of process interpreter and task executor whose state is to be displayed by the console:

- ProcessInterpreterEndpointAddress

- TaskExecutorEndpointAddress

• cxf servlet

a defined parameter load-on-startup forces to start the local WatchDog, which will start engines according to the process engine configuration file


See Also

Process Engine Settings

How to start Process Engine on the Rich client

How to set-up and start Process Engine on Tomcat

Process Engine Configuration File

Process Engine Console


Closing session in the catalog Sessions of Process Engine



Parameters for Process Engine Caching

Multilingual Support

Process Engine and Security Certificates