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Export to Text File

The 'Export to Text File' command enables exporting the content of the catalog to a text format such as csv (Comma-separated values).

Certain issues may be encountered when using 'Export to Text File' with MS Internet Explorer v6 and lower. These stem from the fact that a new auxiliary browser window is opened as the downloading target.

  • Using Mozilla Firefox or MS Internet Explorer v7 and higher

    These browsers are capable of automatically closing the auxiliary window. No specific settings are necessary and no problems should be encountered.

  • Using MS Internet Explorer v6 and lower

    MS Internet Explorer v6 and lower is not capable of closing the auxiliary window automatically. Therefore the downloading is by default targeted to an invisible iframe when IE6 and lower is detected.

    Whilst this corrective measure prevents the 'hanging window' nuisance, under certain combinations of software versions and file associations it may cause overwriting of the main Valuemation window by the downloaded content.

    Consequently, a parameter making it possible to disable the above mentioned downloading to a new browser window is included in the 'web.xml' configuration file.

    Go to the 'WEB-INF' folder within your Valuemation Web installation directory and locate the web.xml file. Look for the following piece of code:





Parameter values:

  • False (default)

    Downloading will be processed in an iframe (no new window is opened). This setting eliminates possible 'hanging window' problem but might cause overwriting of the main Valuemation window.

  • True

    A new window will be used for downloading. This setting will cause the 'hanging window' nuisance under MS Internet Explorer v6 and lower.

Further options can be found under Global Settings (General > Customizer Settings).

See Also

Working With the Catalog Customizer

Creating, Editing, Copying and Removing Catalogs

Adding and Removing Catalogs

Catalog Inplace Editing