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Customization Log Editor

Calling the Edit action catalog opens a log entry in the 'Customization Log' editor. As most of the information in the log is supplied by the application itself, there are only two fields that may be edited:

Editor Field



The Committed flag is used to signify that the change to a technical object has been committed from the development database to the production database and thus is no longer considered a "change". A committed change is no longer taken into account when issuing the Notification of Past Changes warning message. See Notification of Past Changes for more information.
Note that while the Log editor is used to set the Committed flag for an individual change, the Log Comment editor may be used to set the flag for all changes sharing the same comment (i.e. / e.g. belonging to the same customization task) See Working With Log Comments for more information.


Comment is intended to store information about the purpose of the change, for instance a customization project under which the change has been made. This information is then used in deciding whether to issue a warning message when a subsequent change in the same technical object is attempted (Notification of Past Changes). See Notification of Past Changes and Working With Log Comments for more information.

User (referenced view)

Referenced view of Valuemation user assigned to the change (i.e. the user logged on when the change occurred). Includes also a referenced view of the 'Person' assigned to this Valuemation user

other fields

Other fields display logging information created by the system, see 'Customization Log Catalog' for more information.

Help Image

Above: The standard 'Customization Log' editor window. Below: The 'Customization Log' editor for entries of 'XML Import' type also contain a referenced catalog of imported elements, i.e. log entries created by this particular import.

Help Image

Below: 'Customization Log' editor of log entries created by XML import additionally contain a referenced view displaying information on the import itself.

Help Image

See Also

Customization Log

Customization Log Catalog

Working with the Customization Log Catalog