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Types of Technical Objects

The Types of Technical Objects which can be selected in the Technical Elements drop-down menu (within the Permission to Technical Types tab) are:

  • Action

Gives you the possibility of limiting access to actions. Actions are used to customize the look of the Valuemation GUI. In other words, you can allow or forbid the role to run selected features, like clicking on buttons etc. If a role is not allowed to run an action (for example, click on a particular button in the BO Browser), then this button remains hidden. There are two types of rights to actions in Valuemation:

Type of Actions


Stand-alone actions

Actions that are user-defined and explicitly defined in the system.

Calculated actions

Actions that are calculated automatically, based on the rights to BO. These calculations are made according to the definitions set in Action Customizer.

Possible values: No Execute, Execute

For more information on actions authorization, see topics 'Authorization Type', 'Permission Type and Required Rights' and 'Standalone Actions in Editor Read Mode' in the 'Action Customizer' chapter.

  • Catalog

A catalog itself does not contain any data but it does contain some meta information, for example, the search criteria used for filtering of the catalog and the settings – e.g. the columns (attributes) that are designed as visible/hidden for given roles.

Authorizations for a catalog affect only its settings, they have no effect on the business objects which are displayed in the catalog.

Possible values: No Read, Read

Note: Delete right refers only to deleting the catalog as a meta information in Catalog Customizer and does not prohibit removing the catalog from the folder tree in the sidebar, which is upon an individual user’s decision (or upon the customizer who might prevent users from some role from changing the folder tree using rights to actions).

  • Main Parameter

Enables you to allow/restrict access to mainparameters. Selecting By instance you get a list of all available mainparameters to choose from. Note: These authorization settings, however, affect only the catalog of mainparameters which can directly edit the values.

Possible values: Read, Write, Delete

  • Report

Enables you to allow/restrict access to reports.

Possible values: No Read, Read, Write, Delete

  • WorkFlow

Enables you to allow/restrict access to workflows. If the role is prohibited from running a particular workflow, then this workflow is not displayed (in a menu or on a button). On the other hand, a role is always allowed to run a workflow if it is called from an action that the user is allowed to execute, regardless the rights to the workflow itself.

Possible values: No Execute, Execute, Change, Delete.

See Also

Permission to Technical Types

Authorization by Type

Authorization by Attribute Value

Authorization by Instance

Task in Permission to Technical Types Tab