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The 'Place' area of the Assign Actions to GUI tab specifies the Valuemation element in which the actions listed in the 'Selected Actions' table (in the lower section of the tab) will be available.

Action assignment can be made to the following elements ("Places"):

  • Catalog
  • Editor
  • Relation
  • Sidebar

    Two independent sets of actions can be specified for the sidebar:

    • Catalog Node

      Defines context menu actions on catalogs in the sidebar.

    • Object Node

      Defines context menu actions for catalog objects displayed under the expandable catalog nodes when the sidebar is in the tree view mode.

      (The 'Show the objects of the catalogues in the treeview' option in 'User Settings/Sidebar Settings' must be enabled for the sidebar tree view mode.)

See Also

Main Controls

Valid for

Object State Filter

Background Colors for Table