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Tab: Assign Actions to GUI

The Action Customizer consists of two main tabs: 'Assign Actions to GUI' and 'Actions'.

The 'Assign Actions to GUI' tab administers the assignment of actions to Valuemation GUI elements. The tab contains the following sections:

  • Main controls

    This area determines the Valuemation element to which the action will be mapped. See Main Controls for further description.

  • Mapping Controls

    Add and reove actions and specify their order. See Mapping Controls for further description.

  • Table of Actions

    Displays all the actions currently mapped to the dialog specified in the Main Controls section. See Table of Actions for further description.

  • Assignment to Modules

    Enables assignment of selected mapped actions to Valuemation Modules.

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In This Chapter

Main Controls

Mapping Controls

Selected Actions

See Also

Action Customizer

Actions and Action Mapping

Tab: Actions