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Valid for

Controls in the 'Valid for' section further specify where the selected actions should be available. Note that the content of the section varies depending on selected 'Place'.

The below described combinations of 'Place' and 'Valid for' settings are used to precisely specify in which "GUI situations" the defined sets of 'Available Actions' will be available. For example, to define which actions will be available in the editor(s) for creation of 'System' objects, do the following:

  1. Select 'Place = Editor'. The 'Valid for' section changes to contain the relevant controls.
  2. In the 'Valid for' section, select radio button 'Type'. The 'Type' drop-down box as added to the section.
  3. In the 'Type' drop-down box, select object type 'System (System)'. Note that check box 'Technical Types' must be deselected for generic object types (such as 'System') to be available in the drop-down box.
  4. In the 'Mode' drop-down box, select 'New'. (Editors in the 'New' mode are used for creation of new objects.)
  5. The 'Selected Actions' list gets updated to display actions available for the 'Place' and 'Valid for' combination selected in the previous steps. Use the 'Selected Actions' list and the mapping controls to add, remove or modify the action set.

The 'Valid for' section may contain the following controls:

Radio buttons:

  • Default

    The action set will be available for all occurrences of the selected "place" (e.g. in all catalogs, all editors, all relations etc.) unless a more precise assignment exists.

    "A more precise assignment" means the following: If, for example, 'Place = Relation' is selected and 'Valid for = Default', then the specified action set will be used for all relations which do not have a specific action set defined for a specific target type or relation (see below for the distinction). This action set also serves the function of a default starting point for creation of these more specific sets.

    For instance, when 'Valid for = Target Type' is selected, the 'Default' action set (i.e. the content of the 'Selected Actions' section) is inherited and the 'Create Definition' button in the 'Mapping Controls' section is enabled. Now it is possible to modify the inherited default action set. This modified action set will be used instead of the default set whenever a relation points to the specific object type specified as 'Target Type' in the 'Valid for' section.

    Available for place: always

  • Type

    The action set will be available for all instances of one object type. When 'Valid for = Type' is selected, a drop-down menu for selection of object type becomes available in the 'Valid for' section. Use it to select the object type.

    Available for place: all places except 'Relation'

  • Catalog

    The action set will be available in one particular catalog. When 'Valid for = Catalog' is selected, drop-down menus for selection of object type and catalog become available in the 'Valid for' section. Use them to select the object type first, then one of the catalogs available for the object type.

    Available for place: 'Catalog' and 'Sidebar'

  • Target Type

    If 'Place = Relation' is selected, then using'Valid for = Target Type'makes it possible to define an action set available specifically when a relation points to the specific object type specified as 'Target Type' in the 'Valid for' section.

    Available for place: 'Relation' only

  • Relation

    If 'Place = Relation' is selected, then using'Valid for = Relation'makes it possible to define an action set available only with a specific relation. The relation for which the action set will be used is identified by its source object type and its relation attribute, specified in the 'Source Type' and 'Attribute' fields in the 'Valid for' section.

    Available for place: 'Relation' only

  • Relation on View

    The 'Relation on View' option makes it possible to make the 'Relation' assignment above even more precise by additionally selecting a specific Valuemation view. This way the action set will available only for a given relation used in a given view (editor).


  • Technical Types

    Select the 'Technical Types' check box if you need Valuemation internal technical object types to be selectable in 'Type' drop-down box.

    Available for place: always

Drop-down menus

Depending on the selected 'Place' and 'Valid for' combination, the following drop-down menus may be available in the 'Valid for' section:

  • Type

    List for selection of object type, where relevant.

  • Catalog

    List for selection of catalog, where relevant.

  • Target Type

    List for selection of object type, applies when the 'Target Type' radio button is selected.

  • Source Type

    List for selection of object type, applies when the 'Relation' radio button is selected.

  • Attribute

    List for selection of object type attribute. Applies when the 'Relation' radio button is selected, list attributes of the selected source object type.

  • View

    List for selection of Valuemation view (editor). object type attribute. Applies only when the 'Relation on View' radio button is selected.

  • Mode

    List for selection of catalog or editor mode for which available set of actions is being defined. Applies when 'Catalog', 'Editor' or 'Relation' place is selected.

    About modes

    Whenever a catalog or editor is opened in Valuemation, it always opens in one of the predefined modes. Modes represent individual "situations" such as object creation, object editing, viewing archived objects, step in a wizard, etc. Different sets of actions can be defined for individual modes.

    When an editor is opened in an 'editor mode' (e.g. 'New'), the same 'relation mode' (i.e 'New') defines the set of actions available for the related (referenced) objects.

    Note: The set of already existing, standard modes can be expanded by creating new modes in the Valueset Customizer (as values in the 'Catalog Mode' or 'Editor Mode' sets). The default mode in which a catalog or editor opens can be set by parameters of Workflow nodes 'Catalog View' or 'Open an Object', respectively.

See Also

Main Controls


Object State Filter

Background Colors for Table