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Object State Filter

Using the 'Object State Filter' it is possible to define different action sets for situations when a persistent object is edited and when a transient object is edited. 'Object State Filter' is relevant only for 'Place=Editor' and 'Place=Relation'.

  • 'Place=Editor'

    When 'Place=Editor' is selected, two radio buttons are available: 'Persistent' and 'Transient'. Use them to distinguish between the two above described situations.

  • 'Place=Relation'

    When 'Place=Relation' is selected, two sets of radio buttons are available:

    • Source Object: Persistent/Transient
    • Target Object: Persistent/Transient

    Use the resulting combinations to distinguish between possible relational situations. For example, the 'Location - Address' editor contains the 'Location - Rooms' reference catalog. An action in the 'Rooms' reference catalog of the 'Location' editor can be made available only for an unsaved room object of an already saved location object. This corresponds to combination: Source Object = Persistent, Target Object = Transient.

    No object selected in a reference catalog is also considered as situation 'Target Object = Transient'. To enable an action only when no object si selected in a reference catalog, use 'Target Object = Transient' and select 'GUI Rule' for the action (column 'GUI Rule' in the 'Selected Actions' table) as 'NoSelection'. (Rule 'NoSelection' is not even offered in the 'GUI Rule' drop-down when 'Target Object = Persistent'.)

See Also

Main Controls


Valid for

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