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Viewing History for Selected Objects

History for selected object(s) can be viewed from several "places" in Valuemation:

Showing history from catalog

When a catalog with objects is opened and at least one object is selected, you can open the catalog menu and choose its Show history item.

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Viewing history from the catalog menu

Showing history in a reference list

When a view with a reference list is displayed and at least one object from it is selected, you can open the context menu and choose its Show history item.

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Viewing history from a reference list

Showing history for an edited object

When an object is edited, you can open the editor menu and choose its Show history item.

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Viewing history from an object editor

Note: All roles and therefore all users should be allowed to view history for selected objects.

Note: Unless Audit is globally activated and the selected object type has the audit set, the Show history menu item would not be shown.

In all above stated cases, the System opens the catalog 'Audited Changes' (defined for the technical object type AuditedChg) to display all audited changes of the selected object(s).

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Catalog 'Audited Changes' for selected objects

Note: All history records for an object type are shown in this catalog, thus this is the only way to view history records for deleted objects.

See Also

Viewing History

Viewing History for Object Types

Viewing History of Related Changes

Viewing History for User, Group, Role and Client object types

Catalog of Audited Changes

Calculation functions for readable presentation of Audit&History entries