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Catalog of Audited Changes

The Catalog of Audited Changes can be invoked through actions for viewing history only. This catalog is common for all audited object types.

Note: The catalog displays a descriptive label (between its title and simple search view), which is calculated according the "starting point".

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Catalog: Audited Changes

The catalog comprises 6 columns:

  • Time of Change - actually only the date of the change
  • User - the Valuemation user who made the change
  • Change Type - the type of the change, which can be divided into four categories:

    U (Update) - any change of a plain attribute

    IC (Input Collection) - addition of an object collection

    RC (Remove Collection) - removal of an object collection

    UC (Update Collection) - update of the object collection

    D (Delete) - deletion of the object

  • Attribute - the attribute which has been changed
  • Old Value - the old value of the attribute
  • New Value - the new value of the attribute

Note: The column 'Change Group Number', which is standardly hidden, can be added to the catalog.

The only available actions on this catalog are Search, Print, Show related changes and Close.

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Catalog of Audited Changes menu

Note: The two actions Open Target for Old Value and Open Target for New Value are available for relation attributes only. See the Opening Target Objects of Relation Attributes topic for more information.

Detail View of an Audited Change Object

The Detail View of an Audited Change Object displays the same information as are displayed in the six columns of the catalog plus the Object Type, Change Group Number and Artificial ID.

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Detail View of an Audited Change Object

In This Chapter

Opening Target Objects of Relation Attributes

See Also

Viewing History

Viewing History for Object Types

Viewing History for Selected Objects

Viewing History of Related Changes

Viewing History for User, Group, Role and Client object types

Calculation functions for readable presentation of Audit&History entries