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Setting Audit for Object Types

Audit for Object Types and for their particular attributes can be set in the Object Type Customizer.

Proceed subsequently:

  • In Valuemation Customization Browser, select the object type and open it for editing.

    Note: The user can set audit for an object type if allowed to perform the action .openBoCustomizer.

  • In the object type editor, switch to the Audit tab.
  • If you have never defined the audit for the object type before, you have to choose one of the sixteen 'History Banks' first. Without selecting the history bank, the audit for the edited object type cannot be enabled (the checkbox 'Enable audit of object type' is disabled). It is possible to subsequently change the history bank at any time.

    Note: Selecting the history bank serves the database administrator for distributing the history database load. Each history bank represents a separate table in the database. The bank should be chosen based on the estimation of history records adding frequency of particular object types, so that the number of history records is distributed as much equally as possible.

  • Check or uncheck the checkbox Enable audit of object type. If the global audit is enabled, the system starts/ends the history record periods of all audited attributes of the edited object type.
  • Select/unselect the object type attributes which are to be audited. If the global audit is enabled and the edited object type has audit enabled, the system starts/ends the history record period of the selected/unselected attributes within the object type.

    Note: Only attributes of maximum length 4000 characters can be audited. The 'Enable Audit' check box in the 'Audit' tab cannot be set to TRUE for an attribute whose length exceeds 4000 characters (a warning message gets displayed).

  • Apply the changes

Note: All the history records periods are started/ended on applying the change providing that the global audit is enabled.

In the lower part of the 'Audit' tab window, the list of all 'History of requests to audit the selected attribute' can be seen.

See Also

Activating Audit

Global Audit Activation