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Setting Permission for Viewing History of Related Changes

In order to be able to view history of related changes, the user has to be set (through a role) the authorization permission for the action .history.of.related.changes.

Proceed subsequently:

If you have not defined the authorization for the action .history.of.related.changes for the role yet, switch to the 'Permission to Technical Types' tab.

  • Select the 'Action' item from the 'Technical Elements' combo-box and check the radio button 'by instance'.

Find and select the action .history.of.related.changes from the list of actions

  • Set the right of the authorization using the 'Select Rights' radio-button bar.
  • Add the authorization to the role by clicking the 'Add' button.

Help Image

Adding the authorization for '.history.of.related.changes' action to the role

Note: If you have already defined the authorization for the action .history.of.related.changes for the selected role, you can change its right in the 'List' tab.

Meaning of the set rights:

If a user (through the role) is set the right execute, the system shows the Show related changes menu item in the menu for a catalog of history records (either opened for an object type or for selected objects) (see also Viewing History), which enables the user to open the catalog with history records of related changes for one selected history record.

Help Image

The history catalog menu with the 'Show related changes' menu item

Note: Unless Audit is globally activated and the selected object type has the audit set, the Show history for object type menu item in the catalog of history records cannot be shown.

If a user (through the role) is set the right no execute, the system hides the Show related changes menu item in the menu for a catalog of history records.

Help Image

The history catalog menu without the 'Show related changes' menu item

See Also

Setting Permissions for Viewing History

Setting Permission for Viewing History for Object Types

Setting Permission for Viewing History for Selected Objects