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Activating Audit

Valuemation Audit must be activated at three levels:

  • Globally - the system starts/ends the history record periods of all attributes that have audit enabled and that are placed within object types that have also audit enabled (see Global Audit Activation)
  • For an object type - if the global audit is enabled, the system starts/ends the history record periods of all audited attributes of the edited object type (see Setting Audit for Object Types)
  • For attributes of the object type - if the global audit is enabled and the edited object type has audit enabled, the system starts/ends the history record period of the selected/unselected attributes within the object type (see Setting Audit for Object Types).

Note: Audit activation/deactivation can be done in the Rich Client only.

In This Chapter

Global Audit Activation

Setting Audit for Object Types

See Also

Audit and History

Setting Up Audit and History

Viewing History