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Node Properties

In the following picture, you can see a node properties dialog (in the Workflow Creation Tool, right click a node and select 'Properties').

Note: Properties of a selected node can be also viewed in the Element Properties section of the Workflow Creation Tool.

Help Image

Node properties dialog

The Node Properties provide the following controls and information:

Window Component

Function / Meaning

Meta Type

Basic Meta Type of the activity.

This can be: User Activity, System Activity, Condition, Start Workflow, End Workflow and External Activity.


The name of the assigned activity.

Note that it is not possible to change the activity assigned to a node once the node has been created (the existing transitions would become invalid).


Name of the node given by the user.

Description of the node

Complete description of the node.

Automatically started

When checked, the node is started automatically and does not wait to be started manually in the Agenda.

All system activities have this flag set to TRUE by default.


When checked, the node is transient. It means that it is not saved in a database. See Persistent and Transient Workflows for more information.

Some activities (e.g. Start from Catalog…) have this flag set to TRUE by default.

Synchronization lock

Enables an action to be synchronized with the Valuemation GUI.

Example: A node works with a BO Editor. When the node has the synchronization lock set, 'nobody' or 'nothing else' can work with the BO Editor

until the node's activity has finished (the node has passed).


Opens a dialog that enables you to set the activity parameters. These are the initial default parameters providing input data for the activity assigned to the node.


See Workflow Translations.

See Also
