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LDAP Parameters

The following list contains Valuemation parameters and values related to setting LDAP connection that are necessary to process the information retrieved from the LDAP correctly. The path is an internal identification of the parameter within mainparameters and helps you group related parameters together.

NOTE: The suggested values you pass as parameters apply to Microsoft platform (Windows 2000 Server and higher) and depend on the directory structure of your LDAP server. The parameters that are needed to establish a connection to the LDAP might differ if your company uses another platform for running LDAP.

Parameter: authenticationType

There are 2 types of authentication to choose from - fullDN and shortCN.

Path: de.usu.s3.authentication.JNDIManager


fullDN - distinguished name from S3User table is used, full JNDI distinguished name will be stored for each imported user

shortCN - authentication string is constructed as concatenation of given "commonName" and value of "folderUsers" main parameter (default setting if the main parameter doesn't exist == backward compatibility)

Parameter: provider

Name of the LDAP server in the network, for example, ldap://win2000as.

Path: de.usu.s3.authentication.JNDIManager

Value: ldap://win2000as

Parameter: initctx

Parameter (Constant) that holds the name of the environment property for specifying the initial context factory to use. The value of the property should be the fully qualified class name of the factory class that will create an initial context.

Path: de.usu.s3.authentication.JNDIManager

Value: com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory

Parameter: folderRoot

The root of the directory structure on the server, for example, DC=bm,DC=usutest,DC=cz. This can also be interpreted as, where each entry stands for a separate domain context level from the lowest to the highest one.

Path: de.usu.s3.authentication.JNDIManager

Value: DC=bm,DC=usutest,DC=cz

Parameter: commonName

The identifier of the user object in the directory defined by the parameter folder users (for example, users) on the LDAP.

Path: de.usu.s3.authentication.JNDIManager

Value: CN

Parameter: propertyDelimiter

LDAP records separating character.

Path: de.usu.s3.authentication.JNDIManager

Value: ,

Parameter: userId

Name of the parameter used in vm for the VM user id.

Path: de.usu.s3.authentication.JNDIManager

Value: cn

Parameter: userFirstName

The name of the parameter on the LDAP whose value is the first name of a user.

Path: de.usu.s3.authentication.JNDIManager

Value: givenName

Parameter: userLastName

The name of the parameter on the LDAP whose value is the last name of a user.

Path: de.usu.s3.authentication.JNDIManager

Value: sn

Parameter: userGroups

The name of the parameter on the LDAP whose value is a list of groups which the user belong to.

Path: de.usu.s3.authentication.JNDIManager

Value: memberOf

Parameter: userFilter

Filters all entries on the LDAP and returns a collection of all users by the condition, since besides user records, the working folder on the LDAP contains also additional entries irrelevant for the use in Valuemation.

Path: de.usu.s3.authentication.JNDIManager

Value: ((objectclass=person)(objectclass=user))

Parameter: folderUsers

The value represents a specification of the LDAP folder containing user data. However, as it contains items besides users, you need to apply a filter so as to get only the user records (see above).

Path: de.usu.s3.authentication.JNDIManager

Value: CN=Users,DC=bm,DC=usutest,DC=cz

Parameter: groupId

The name of the parameter on the LDAP whose value is the identifier of a group record.

Path: de.usu.s3.authentication.JNDIManager

Value: cn

Parameter: groupFilter

Filters all entries on the LDAP and returns a collection of all groups by the condition, since the working folder on the LDAP contains also additional entries irrelevant for the use in Valuemation.

Path: de.usu.s3.authentication.JNDIManager

Value: (objectclass=group)

Parameter: externalManager

The JAVA class to be used for browsing through the LDAP server. A new class can be easily programmed if your company has a specific server incompatible with the standard used in Valuemation.

Path: de.usu.s3.userimport.ImportManager

Value: de.usu.s3.authentication.JNDIManager

Parameter: externalManagerUsername

The username used to connect to the LDAP. This user must have at least read-access rights to the LDAP.

Path: de.usu.s3.userimport.ImportManager

Value: Administrator

Parameter: externalManagerPassword

The password used to connect to the LDAP in an encrypted form. To encrypt the password, use the RunCrypto.bat utility in the Valuemation root directory.

Path: de.usu.s3.userimport.ImportManager

Value: A1233D90C0E9E1A0665E6DBB63024912

Parameter: groupsImport

Enables import of groups from LDAP server.

Path: de.usu.s3.userimport.ImportManager

Values: true/false

Parameter: domainsImport

Possibility to handle users from different domains. (only for Valuemation 3.5)

Path: de.usu.s3.userimport.ImportManager

Value: true/false

Parameter: customizableReplacements

Enables replacements for restricted characters in LDAP user IDs. Can be enabled and edited in Global Settings/Authentication.

Path: de.usu.s3.userimport.ImportManager

Value: true/false

Parameter: ST025694-JNDIauthenticationAutocorrectionOff

Optionaly, the autocorrection mechanism can be switched off by adding a mainparameter. If the parameter is set to TRUE, autocorrection is switched-off. If the autocorrection is switched-off, only a user with distinguished name
stored in VM database can log in. The other users with similar names are rejected.

Path: vmcorehotfix

Value: true/false

See Also


LDAP Configuration

Authentication against LDAP


Problems and solutions