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LDAP Configuration

The LDAP feature and the parameters used for browsing the LDAP data as they are described here are supported on Microsoft Windows 2000 Server and higher. The LDAP of Microsoft Exchange server partially supports reading of the stored data.

In Linux and other possible platforms, the parameters of the LDAP server depend solely on its administrator.

The LDAP configuration is represented by mainparameters, which can be read and accessed either through the mainparameters catalog or through the API (Application Programming Interface) by using appropriate methods.

If SSL communication is not used, all information are sent as plain text via network, including password during authentication. Read how to set the LDAP SSL Authentication .

NOTE: The Mainparameter catalog is not initially added to the Valuemation Sidebar. You can add it yourself, provided you were granted appropriate rights in the Authorization Manager.

In This Chapter

LDAP SSL Authentication

See Also


LDAP Parameters

Authentication against LDAP


Problems and solutions