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Deactivating Users

Through deactivating users, the users are removed from all roles so that they could no longer work in Valuemation. Such users cannot log into Valuemation and will receive a warning message when trying to log in.

To deactivate a user:

  1. Select the users you want to deactivate in the Table of Users in the left part of the screen. Multiple items can be selected by dragging or holding CTRL or SHIFT while clicking.
  2. Click Deactivate button from the Main Controls to deactivate selected users. You will be asked, if you really want to deactivate the user(s). Click Yes to confirm. The users are made inactive.
  3. Click Apply to keep changes or - when prompted to save changes on exit - click OK to confirm.

Note: A deactivated user is not physically deleted and can be reactivated later.

Note: To switch between views of active and inactive users, check or uncheck the checkbox Show inactive users in the bottom of the Table of Users.

See Also

Tasks on the Users Tab

Creating Internal Users

Editing Users and Changing a Password

Reactivating Users

Unblocking Account

Copying User Environment

Setting Password Policy

Exporting Permissions

Multitenancy, Show History

Person Mapping