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Adding an image available for use with icons

Icon images are administered via 'Translations of Application Text'. To add a new icon image:

  1. Insert the image file to the correct folder within Valuemation source data structure.
    • For Valuemation rich client, image files are located in the 'images' folder (and its subfolders) in Valuemation root folder. For example: <root>\images\printing
    • For Valuemation web and jetty client, the path to images is <root>\war\WEB-INF\classes\images\ (and its subfolders). For example: c:\VM\Valuemation_4_6_B312_jetty\war\WEB-INF\classes\images\country\
  2. Register each of the images for use by creating a 'Translations of Application Text' entry for it.

    Open catalog 'Translations of Application Text'. Right-click in the catalog and call action 'Create'.

  3. In the editor which opens, specify the following attributes for the new entry:
    • Base Name = icons/icons
    • Key: specify a unique identifier, starting with prefix 'icon.'. For example, an entry with 'Key = cross' will provide icon found under name 'red cross'.
    • Standard Translation: Use this field to specify the path to the actual image file. Only path within the respective root folder needs to be entered. For example, if the path to images was the second example from step 1 above and file name was 'Red Cross.png', then the path entered in the 'Standard Translation' field would be 'images/country/Red Cross.png'.
  4. Save all changes and restart Valuemation. (Restarting is important because the images are read during application startup.) Open the 'Action Customizer' again and switch to the 'Assign Actions to GUI' tab. Drop-down lists in the 'Icon' column should now include the newly inserted icon (named 'Red Cross' in our example).

See Also

Columns in the Table of Actions

Combined Authorizations