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Columns in the Table of Actions

Columns of the actions table found in the 'Actions' tab represent individual action properties.

  • Label

    If defined in the properties files, the Label (text) is displayed on the button (or in the menu) invoking the action. If not defined, Label ID is used instead.
    Note that while Label ID must be unique, the same Label can be used for different actions.

  • Label ID

    Label ID is the action's unique key. This key serves as action identifier for the 'Translations of Application Text' functionality which is used to provide translations of GUI elements functionally related to the action (buttons, tooltips, etc.). For example, the set of 'Translation of Application Text' items for standard 'Mass Move' action may include:

    • Base Name: actions/Actionnames - Key: .system.massmove - Language: English - Standard Translation: M&ass Move
    • Base Name: actions/Actionnames - Key: .system.massmove.button.toolTipText - Language: English - Standard Translation: Assign all selected systems together to another location, organization unit, users or cost centers.
    • Base Name: actions/Actionnames - Key: .system.massmove.button - Language: Deutsch - Standard Translation: M&assenumzug
  • Workflow Definition

    The workflow definitions triggered by the action. See 'Using the Actions Tab' for information on selecting and possible modification of the underlying workflow.

  • Icon

    This column can be used to assign an icon to the action.

    See also topic 'Adding an image available for use with icons'.

  • Button Style

    Use the column to select the style of action button: plain icon, button with text only or a button with both text and icon.

    Icon and button style can be further individually specified for each action assignment to GUI. For this, the icon and button style specified in the Actions tab serve as default values.

    If the icon or button style of an action which has already been assigned to the GUI is subsequently changed, a dialog box requiring clarification of intended inheritance gets displayed. It provides two options:

    • Select the 'Reset action assignments with different button style' check box if you want the change made in the 'Actions' list to be propagated to all action assignments to GUI.
    • Clear the check box if assignment-specific icons or button styles should not be influenced by the change in the 'Actions' list.
  • Description

    An optional descriptive text provided for the action.Object Type

  • Object Type

    Select an object type if the action should be offered only for objects of a particular object type. If no object type is specified here, the action can be used with all object types.

  • Cancellable

    An action selected as 'Cancellable' can be used to close the window (editor, catalog) without saving. The escape "cross" icon in the upper right-hand window corner calls a cancellable action.

  • Web Only

    Web-only actions are actions intended for use in Valuemation web client only. It is not possible to use this action in Valuemation rich client.

  • Relational Action

    The check box in the Relational Action column determines whether the action influences the target or source object in a relation. Typically, if an action is to be used in a reference catalog tab (also referred to as "Too-many View"), it is necessary to distinguish between using the action on objects listed in the reference catalog (target objects) versus using it on the object edited in the view containing the reference catalog (source object).

    Set 'Relational Action' to True for actions which should be used on the source object.

    Example: Although action 'Remove Attachment' is called on an attachment in a referenced catalog, it ultimately influences the 'source' object to which the attachment was attached. Such action needs to be flagged as relational action.

  • Role-based authorized

    The check box in the 'Role-based authorized' column makes the action available for authorization on the basis of Valuemation roles. If set to True, the action is listed in the Authorization Manager and thus it is possible to select which role can run it.

    For example:

    1. In the 'Actions' tab of Action Customizer, select the 'Role-based authorized' check box for the 'CSV Import Settings' action. This enables the action for authorization in the Authorization Manager.
    2. Open the Authorization Manager and go to the 'List' tab. In the 'Role Name' field at the top of the tab, select the role for which the action is to be enabled (authorized).
    3. Still in the Authorization Manager, switch to the 'Permission to Technical Types' tab and select the 'by instance' radio button in the 'Select' section. The newly enabled 'CSV Import Settings' action should now be listed.
    4. Select the 'CSV Import Settings' action in the list, select 'Execute' in the 'Select Right' section above the list and click the 'Add' button. The action will be added to the list of actions for the role selected in step 2.
    5. Check the result in the 'List' tab of Authorization Manager. The action should be listed for the selected role.

    Note: If the 'Role-based authorized' check box for a previously role-authorized action is cleared, the action will no longer be offered in the 'Permission to Object Types' or 'Permission to Technical Types' lists. If the action has already been used in specific role authorizations, it will remain listed in the 'List' tab for the roles but the action itself will no longer be available.

    The function of the 'Role-based authorized' check box is similar to the 'Stand-alone' authorization option used in previous Valuemation versions. Previously, option 'Stand-alone' (which enabled the action for role-based authorization) and option 'Data' (which enabled the action for data-based authorization) were mutually exclusive. Since version 5.0, the two authorization types can be used in combination as they are enabled by independent check boxes 'Role-based authorized' and 'Data-based authorized'. See topic 'Combined Authorizations' for more information.

  • Data-based authorized

    Setting the 'Data-based authorized' check box to True makes the action subject to authorization based on data the action is called on. Once 'Data-based authorized' is set to True, the authorization can be further specified using the adjacent columns - 'Permission Type' and 'Required Rights'.

  • Permission Type
    • Type - to perform the action, the user must have corresponding rights for the object type for which the action is called.
    • Instance - to perform the action, the user must have corresponding rights for the actual object (object instance) for which the action is called.
  • Required Rights

    Minimum permissions required from the user to use the action. The user must have at least the same or stronger permissions on the object type or object for the action to be available. If this condition is not fulfilled, the action in the menus and the corresponding controls in the user interface are disabled.

    Note that as 'Required Rights' specify minimum permissions necessary, value 'No Read' means that the action will always be available and thus corresponds to data-based authorization being disabled (i.e. the 'Data-based authorized' check box set to False).

  • Hot Key

    The keyboard shortcut calling the action can be defined in the 'Hot Key' column.

    1. Left double-click in the field to make it editable.
    2. Press the required hot key combination on the keyboard. Note that only certain keys and key combinations can be used.
    3. Press 'Enter' to finalize the process and leave the edit mode.

    Deleting a hot key assignment: As the 'Delete' key can be used in hot key combinations, it is not used to actually delete a hot key entry. Instead, use the 'Backspace' key, i.e. double-click in the Hot Key field and press 'Backspace'.

  • GUID

    GUID (Global Unique Identifier) is a generated, unique number identifying the action. This is important for actions import/export.

In This Chapter

Combined Authorizations

Adding an image available for use with icons

See Also

Tab: Actions

Using the Actions Tab