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Using the Actions Tab

Locating an Action

Actions in the actions list can be sorted and filtered using standard Valuemation filtering. To invoke a search, click the filter icon Help Image in the head of the column used for filtering.

Creating an Action

To create a new action, proceed as follows:

  1. Click 'Create' on the 'Action' tab of Action Customizer.
  2. Fill in the Label ID (the action's unique key) and other action properties.

    If you want to assign a Label different from the Label ID, the Label ID and its respective Label must be set in the properties files.

    For more information, see the Columns in the Table of Actions topic.

You should also assign the action to Valuemation modules in the 'Available Modules / Active Modules' section.

Removing an Action

To delete an action, proceed as follows:

  1. Highlight the actions you want to remove.
  2. Click 'Delete' (or use the Delete key).

    If the action you intend to remove is currently mapped to one or more Valuemation elements, the 'Synchronization' dialog appears. The dialog above displays a list of existing action mappings that need to be solved before you are allowed to delete the action(s). More items are displayed if you are trying to delete several actions at once. The suggested solution is described under the list and usually involves removing of all affected mappings.

    Select the conflicting mapping(s) and click the 'Solve selected dependencies' button. To resolve all conflicting dependencies, click 'Solve all'.

Translation an Action

The 'Translate' button found on the 'Actions' tab opens the 'Translations of Application Text' catalog with all translation keys pertaining to the selected action created and pre-selected. See the 'Translations in Valuemation' chapter for detailed information on handling translations.

To provide translations for an action, proceed as follows:

  1. On the 'Actions' tab, select the action and click 'Translate'. If no translation keys for the selected action exist as yet, a message informing about new default translations having been created gets displayed.
  2. The 'Translations of Application Text' catalog filtered to display only relevant translation keys opens.
  3. In the catalog, double-click the translation key you want to provide translations for. The key gets opened in the 'Translations of Application Text' Editor where translations can be edited or created.
  4. Press 'OK' / 'Apply' to save the changes.

Workflow Assignment and Modification

The workflow called by an action can be administered from the 'Workflow Definition' column of the 'Actions' list:

  • Select a workflow definition for an action

    Right-click in the the action row and choose 'Select a Workflow Definition ' from the context menu. The 'Workflow Definition' catalog gets opened. Select the required workflow and click 'Ok' to assign it to the action.

  • Modify the workflow used by the action

    Right-click in the 'Workflow definition' column of the action row and choose 'Edit Workflow ...' from the context menu. The workflow gets opened in the 'Workflow Creation Tool' window where it can be modified. Note: Before modifying the workflow, pay attention to the fact that it may be used elsewhere in the application.

See Also

Tab: Actions

Columns in the Table of Actions