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Modules Tab

On the Modules tab, the user can assign the current Object Type to one or more Valuemation modules. The general philosophy of module assignments is the same for most customizers. Please refer to View Customizer: The Modules Tab for a description.

The Modules tab comprises the following sections:

  • (A) Object Type

    The selected Object Type to be assigned to a Valuemation module.

  • (B) Available Modules

    List of Valuemation modules available for the assignment.

  • (C) Active Modules

    List of modules to which the object type is assigned.

    Help Image
    The Modules tab in the Object Type Customizer.

    For example (see the picture above), the Payment Object Type is assigned to an assortment of modules.

    • Use the arrows to assign another module from the list of Available Modules or remove a module from the Active Modules list.
    • To assign an Object Type to more than one module, select several modules in the list of Available Modules and then use the arrow button. Click 'Apply' to save the changes.

See Also

Structure of the Object Type Customizer

Object Type Tab

Attributes Tab

Transient Attributes Tab

Calendars Tab

Timelines Tab

Business Key Tab

Audit Tab

Description Tab