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Audit Tab

Audit for Object Types and for their attributes can be set here. Read the Audit and History chapter to find out more.

To activate Audit and History on the Object Type:

  • Select one of the 16 'History Banks'.
  • Check the option 'Enable Audit of Object Type'. User can subsequently change the history bank any time.
  • Select the object type attributes which are to be audited.

    Note: Only attributes of maximum length 4000 characters can be audited. The 'Enable Audit' check box in the 'Audit' tab cannot be set to TRUE for an attribute whose length exceeds 4000 characters (a warning message gets displayed).

If the global audit is enabled and the edited object type has the audit enabled, the system starts/ends the history record period of the selected/unselected attributes within the object type.

In the lower part of the Audit dialog box, the list of all 'History of requests to audit the selected attribute' can be seen.

See Also

Structure of the Object Type Customizer

Object Type Tab

Attributes Tab

Transient Attributes Tab

Calendars Tab

Timelines Tab

Business Key Tab

Description Tab

Modules Tab