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Scale Unit

The unit indicates, in which unit an service quantity is measured.  Additionally, it serves for it to make service quantities of same type but with different unit comparable.  This takes place over a conversion factor, which transfers the service quantity into a basic unit.

The computation of the quantity looks like:

  • Quantity in basic unit = quantity in scale unit * conversion factor and/or.
  • Quantity in basic unit = quantity in scale unit / conversion factor,

if the calculation specification '/' for division had been indicated.  The possibility of dividing by the conversion factor should be used, if otherwise the multiplication with a very small factor had to be implemented (example: is more favorable for reasons of the computational accuracy than * 0.00028).

The conversion factor results from the relationship fundamental unit to unit.  For a basic unit the unit = basic unit and the conversion factor is 1.


Account data is supplied over CPU consumption.  A system delivers values in hours, another in minutes and another again in seconds.  The sliding average price for CPU consumption is specified to a value per hour.

The basic unit is thereby ' hour ', and where upon the other units must be converted ' minute ' and ' second '.

Basic Unit

Scale Unit











Around ensuring the comparability with historical data, basic units should be changed as few as possible.

Each change affects the account immediately.  If a unit does not have to be converted, then only sentences with unit = basic unit and conversion factor 1 are to be seized.

When putting on, it must be always begun with the definition of the basic unit, afterwards itself the units referring to since contents of the field admit ' basic unit ' as unit be must.

In This Chapter

Service Class

Service Type

See Also

System Tables

