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Subtab - Defaults

The tab specifies default value for the attribute.

  • Value to set
    • Select 'Default Value' to specify default for newly created objects.
    • Select 'Copy of Default Value' to specify default for copied objects. The default is then filled in instead of attribute value copied from the original object.

    Both new and copied object defaults can be specified independently for an attribute.

  • Direct Value / Function / Parameter / Workflow

    Select the type of default value, then use the corresponding field below to specify the default.

    • Direct value - type a fixed value
    • Function - select a function, e.g. to have the current date filled in as default. Functions which return data type corresponding to the attribute's data type are offered for selection.
    • Main parameter - select a Valuemation mainparameter whose value at the time of object creation/copying will be used as attribute default. For example, if mainparameter 'getParameter("base_currency")' is selected and base currency 'EUR' is used during object creation/copying, then the default attribute value will be 'EUR'.
    • Workflow - select a workflow for obtaining the default value

Note: Default value behaviour also depends on setting 'Default on Save  (Yes / No)' (set for the attribute in the 'Used Attributes' list - see 'Attributes Tab').

See Also

Attributes Tab

Subtab - Properties

Subtab - Styles

Subtab - Format

Subtab - Description

Deleting Object Type Attributes

Generating and Comparing DLL Scripts

Full Text Index (FTI)