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Attribute Dependencies

Time Dependencies

Payment schedule attributes 'Begins On', 'Payment Cycle', 'Number of Payments' and 'Ends On' have the following mutual dependencies:

  • If the user changes 'Begins On' - 'Number of Payments' is calculated.
  • If the user changes 'Number of Payments' - 'Ends On' is calculated.
  • If the user changes 'Ends On' - 'Number of Payments' is calculated.
  • If the user changes 'Payment Cycle' - then either 'Number of Payments' or 'Ends On' date is calculated. The most recently entered value is considered "wanted" by the user and stays unchanged; the other value is calculated. Until the user edits one of these values, the payment schedule behaves as if the number of payments was the most recent value. Special care is given to 2 subsequent regular payment schedules (joint dates can not be split apart) and also when the payment schedule changes between periodical and non-periodical.

A warning message is displayed when changes ('Ends On' vs. 'Number of Payments') are applied in a manner resulting in a situation when the last payment would not cover the full span of the last 'Payment Cycle' occurrence.

Financial Dependencies

Payment schedule attributes 'Net Payment per Unit', 'Number of Payments', 'Net Unit Total', 'Quantity Paid For', 'Net Total' have the following mutual dependencies:

  • If the user changes 'Net Total' - 'Net Unit Total' and 'Net Payment per Unit' are calculated.
  • If the user changes 'Net Unit Total' - 'Net Total' and 'Net Payment per Unit' are calculated.
  • If the user changes 'Net Payment per Unit' - 'Net Unit Total' and 'Net Total' are calculated.
  • If the user changes 'Number of Payments' - then either 'Payment Amount' (Net Payment per Unit) or 'Total Price' (Net Unit Total and Net Total) is calculated. The most recently entered value is considered "wanted" by the user and stays unchanged; the remaining value is calculated. Until the user edits one of these values, the payment schedule behaves as if the total price was the most recent value.

See Also

Payment Schedule