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Toast Messages in Valuemation

There are two basic categories of Toast Messages:

  • Hardcoded Toast Messages

    These messages are an inherent part of the application and cannot be altered by a user or customizer. They are triggered by the application itself.

    Typically these messages are used as a newly created bookmark notification or a notification of the Smart Tile move on the Home Perspective.

  • Customized Toast Messages

    The messages which are issued from workflows. They can be fully customized and configured to appear in desired placed under the specified conditions.

    Typically these messages can be customized as a confirmation of an order created successfully in the Procurement Manager or a notification about the Incident status change in the Incident Manager.

Toast Message Types

In Valuemation, the following types of Toast Messages are available:

  • Success

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    This message type indicates a successful or positive action.

  • Information

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    This message type indicates a neutral informative change or action.

  • Warning

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    This message type indicates a warning that might need attention.

  • Error

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    This message type indicates a dangerous or potentially negative action.


The hardcoded messages can be customized in Global Settings > General > Toast Message.

The customized messages are controlled via the new Toast Message Activity which allows you to set the message according to the intended use.

See Also

Toast Messages in Valuemation

Toast Message Types