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Toast Message Anatomy

A Toast Message consists of the following elements:

  • (A) Message Type Icon

    Indicates the message type.

    The icon always appears in the left part of the message.


    The default icons for Info, Success, Warning and Error message types are:

    Help Image

  • (B) Text label

    A label or content of the Toast Message displayed to the user.

  • (C) Dynamic Timeline Bar

    The dynamic stripe shows the remaining time before the message disappears.

    The length of time that the message lasts depends on the duration set in the Toast Message configuration.

  • (D) Close Icon

    Closes the message.

    You can close the message anytime before the message fades away automatically as indicated by the dynamic timeline bar.

    Alternatively, just click anywhere on the message to close it.

See Also

Toast Messages

Toast Messages in Valuemation

Toast Messages Appearance & Behaviour