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Supporting Object Types

Facility (Location-Address)

An object of the Facility (Location-Address) object type represents the organization's premises, such as a factory or office building. It contains descriptive attributes storing geographical and mailing information (place/city, district/country, address lines etc.).

Finer location information is specified by the Location-Room object type.

Location (Location-Room)

An object of the Location (Location-Room) object type represents a specific place within the organization's facility, such as a building, a room, a desk etc.

Organization Unit (Department)

Organization Units represent functional units within the company structure. Organization unit provides links to a leader (Person object type), subordinate organization units, cost centers, members (Person object type) and systems.

Cost Center

Cost Centers describe the structure of the organization from the budgetary point of view. Objects of the Cost Center object type represent departments that incur expenses or generate revenue. Cost center provides links to a leader (person object type), subordinate cost centers, organization units, members (person object type) and systems.


The Environment object type classifies the context in which a system is used. Existing 'Environment' objects are used as values of the 'Environment' value set available in the system editor. Standard environment values are 'Development', 'Production', 'Test' and 'Training'. More environments can be added by creating new business objects of the 'Environment' object type. In standard Valuemation distribution, a catalog of environments can be found in the 'IT Asset Manager' sidebar under Catalogs / data - Operation / Other.


The Domain object type is used with systems and component network information.

Existing 'Domain' objects are used as values of the 'Domain' value set available in 'System' and 'Component Network Info' editors. More domains can be added by creating new business objects of the 'Domain' object type. In standard Valuemation distribution, a catalog of domains can be found in the 'IT Asset Manager' sidebar under Catalogs / Data - Operation / Other.

Network segment

Network segments are used to identify how components are connected to the network. When specifying the component network information, the user can define a specific segment involved.

Segment Protocol

Segment Protocol saves all possible protocol types of network segments. Network segments are then used within the component network information.

Component Network Information

Component Network Information is a time-dependent expansion of the component data in which the main network- related information of the components can be stored.


Objects of this object type are used as values of the 'Monitoring/Type' value set available for systems, components and services.

The 'Monitoring Enabled' check box available in the 'New: System' editor relates to ZIS and its monitoring functionality:

  • System/component transfer from Valuemation to ZIS.

    All objects whose 'Monitoring Enabled' flag is True.

  • ZIS status queries of systems from Valuemation.

    Can be used for all objects whose 'Monitoring Enabled' flag is True.

Please see also the 'SMDB / CMDB Synchronization' topic in 'ZIS' chapter.

See Also

Asset Management Object Types

Main Object Types

Classification Object Types

Linking Object Types