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Defining a Profile with Self-reference

An object with recursive relations may be self-referenced in the Visualizer View. For example, the 'Service' object type can have subordinated and superior services. Each of the subordinate service can have another subordinated service etc. If you select the 'Repeat' check box for such an object, the Visualizer automatically drills all the way down to visualize all the related subordinated services.

To define a profile with self-reference:

  1. Select the desired Object Type.

    For example, let's select the 'Service' Object Type.

  2. Start creating a new Visualization profile in the usual way: First define the node tree.
  3. Add the Subordinated and Superior Service child nodes below the 'Service' root note.
  4. Select the 'Repeat' check box for both of the relations.

    The selected 'Repeat' function defines a loop between the root node and the respective child nodes. It means that the Visualizer View will go deep through all the services of services until there is no service to display.

  5. Optional: Proceed to define the node details and edge labels for each node in the tree.

Now if you visualize a service in a catalog of Services, the whole "looped" service structure is rendered in full depth.

See Also

Visualizer Customization

Customization Browser with the 'Visualization Profiles' Tab

Visualization Profile Customizer

Defining a Basic Profile in the Visualization Profile Customizer