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Ticket Class

For the Release categorization, the Ticket Class, Ticket Type, Parent Category and Category objects are used. Originally this categorization has been developed for the 'Ticket' object but now the 'Release' object also takes advantage of this classification schema.

The highest level of the categorization is the Ticket Class. In Valuemation, the following Ticket classes are available:

  • Incident
  • Problem
  • RFC/Change
  • Service Request
  • Release
  • Call
  • Error
  • Workaround

In the Release Manager, the Ticket Class is set to 'Release' by default and cannot be changed. The 'Release' Ticket Class is not displayed on GUI, it enables you to define relations between Release types and Release categories and then lets you dynamically filter the categories and parent categories by the selected Release type.

Ticket Class in the edit view

The Ticket Class editor provides the following fields:

  • Ticket Class

    The name of the Ticket Class.

  • Name

    The name of the Release.

  • Keygen Prefix

    Tickets with this Ticket Class are given the Prefix listed here.

  • Initial Status

    The Tickets of a given Ticket Class follow a particular pattern. Here the initial status for Ticket with this Ticket Class is specified.

  • Valid

    Boolean Y/N.

  • Show in Callacceptance

    If selected, it shows the associated incoming call. For 'Release', it must be set to 'false'.

  • Comments

    Detailed comment field.

The reference catalogs represent relations to other object types:

  • Allowed Source Ticket Classes

    Ticket Classes which may be used when a connection (Source - Target Ticket) is made between Tickets. It is not relevant for Release.

  • Allowed Target Ticket Classes

    Ticket Classes which may be used when a connection (Source - Target Ticket) is made between Tickets. It is not relevant for Release.

  • Ticket Types

    A Ticket Type is a more detailed classification of a Ticket. In the context of 'Release', it represents the content of the 'Release-form' field.

See Also

Release Manager Object Types


Release Description


Statement Type

Support Group

Ticket Service Parameter

Ticket Type

Ticket Category


