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Data Log

Data Log records contain information about already performed data archiving, anonymization and deletion. Use them to examine the result of these operations or their simulations.

Data Log records are administered in the 'Data Log' catalog which can be added to the Valuemation side bar.

A brief overview of 'Data Log' catalog columns and actions


  • Action

    The type of action performed: Archive, Anonymize, Delete

  • Object Type

    Root object type of the archiving configuration

  • Status

    Action status: 'Done', 'Simulated', 'Failed', 'In Progress...'

    See 'Interrupted Archiving' for information on dealing with actions stuck in the 'In Progress...' status.

  • Message

    Information about the action. Should read 'Ok' if the action was successful, otherwise it provides technical information about the cause of problems.

  • Description

    Brief description of the action. Example: 'Simulation Mode: Archive objects of type Ticket'

  • Date executed

    Date and time of the beginning of the action

  • Count

    Number of processed objects of root object type

  • Condition

    The condition specified in the archive configuration extended by additional filtering generated on the basis of 'Exclude' actions used on object type relations (see 'Relations in Archive Configuration' for more information).

  • Duration

    Time taken by the action


  • View

    Right-click the Archive Log record and call action 'View' to open the record for viewing in the 'Archive Log' editor.

  • Delete

    Delete the Archive Log record.

  • Show Archived Objects

    Open a catalog displaying objects archived by the action selected in the data log. This provides the possibility to view data archived by one archiving only, as opposed to viewing data in the 'Archive' catalog mode which displays cumulatively all archived data of the given object type (and fulfilling the catalog condition).

  • Show Audit Records

    Opens catalog 'Audited Changes' filtered to display audit records created for the action selected in the data log. Note that option 'Audit Archiving, Deletion and Anonymization of Objects' must be enabled in Valuemation Global Settings.

    Also note that data archiving, deletion and anonymization are always audited to history bank No. 16, regardless of history banks selected for the processed object types.

  • Set Timeout

    If the archiving is registered as 'in progress', action 'Set Timeout' is provided in the context menu. Call this action to change the status of the archiving from 'In progress' to 'Timeout'. This can be used to unblock frozen archiving (see 'Manual Archiving' for more information).

A brief overview of the 'Data Log' editor

  • Object Type

    The processed object type

  • Date executed

    Date and time when the action started

  • Description

    Brief description of the action

  • Condition

    The condition specified in the archive configuration extended by additional filtering generated on the basis of 'Exclude' actions used on object type relations (see 'Relations in Archive Configuration' for more information).

  • Status

    Action status: 'Done', 'Simulated', 'Failed', 'In Progress...'

    See 'Interrupted Archiving' for information on dealing with actions stuck in the 'In Progress...' status.

  • Count

    Number of processed objects of root object type

  • Relations

    Information about archived relations (related objects)

  • Message

    Useful field for tracking the progress of the archiving operation

    The actual archiving process usually takes some time to finish. If the 'Archive Log' editor is open during this time, the 'Message' line provides information about the current step of the process. For instance:

    • 'Deleting records from main schema for object type...' - example of one of the progress messages
    • 'OK' - the final message if the operation has been performed correctly

    Note that to update the 'Message' (as well as other information displayed in the editor), the page must be refreshed manually (using the 'Refresh' button or F5 key).

See Also

Data Protection

Basic Concepts



Data Protection Manager