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Configuration of the Database Connection

The '' file serves for an indirect configuration of the file, which sets the main configuration parameters for the database connection.

After a successful connection to the database, Valuemation checks whether the JDBC driver has a higher or equal version than the database server. If not, an error dialog box is shown.

The minimal setting in the '' file are:

1. Database Type

The database type is set on the 'DBMS' parameter line.

Example: DBMS = Oracle

The possible values are:

  • Oracle database server
    • Oracle --> DEFAULT For Oracle Database. This is for all versions of the Oracle DB (e.g. Oracle 12)
    • Oracle11 --> Oracle 11 Database, containing special fix (I-29723) Applicable to Oracle 11R1 ONLY !!!
    • Oracle11_2 --> Oracle 11 Database, only for Versions: to (I-36363)

  • Microsoft SQL-Server
    • MSSQL --> Microsoft SQL-Server for all DB versions before 2005
    • MSSQL2005 --> Microsoft SQL-Server 2005 for DB version 2005 and newer

  • DB2 Database server
    • DB2_V8 --> DB2 Version 8 LUW and later. For Multiplatform for Universal Driver (jcc)
    • DB2_V8_390 --> DB2 Version 8 for z/OS and later for Universal Driver (jcc)
    • DB2_CAE_390 --> DB2 Version 8 for z/OS using app driver with DB2 CAE (Client Application enabler) --> not recommended

  • Unsuported DB2 Server
    • DB2_V7 --> DB2 Version 7.1 for Multiplatform for net driver ( --> not recommended (not supported anymore)
    • DB2_V7_390 --> DB2 Version 7.1 for z/OS for net driver ( --> not recommended (not supported anymore)
    • DB2_CAE --> DB2 Version 7.1 for Multiplatform using app driver with DB2 CAE (Client Application enabler) (not supported anymore)

  • Combinations of database servers
    • Oracle_CIC_ora --> Oracle DB for Valuemation and Oracle DB for Compare CIC
    • Oracle_CIC_mssql --> Oracle DB for Valuemation and Microsoft SQL-Server for Compare CIC
    • JNDI_Oracle --> JNDI Datasource for Oracle Database
    • JNDI_DB2_V8 --> JNDI Datasource for DB2 Version 8.1 for Multiplatform for Universal Driver (jcc)
    • JNDI_DB2_V8_390 --> JNDI Datasource for DB2 Version 8.1 for z/OS for Universal Driver (jcc)


Our standard connection setting is pooled under the 'VALUEMATION' name. The correct setting of this "VALUEMATION" session is necessary to successfully run Valuemation.

Example: Connection to the Valuemation database running on Oracle.

DBMS = Oracle

### VALUEMATION session (connection to the Valuemation database)

HOST = localhost
PORT = 1521
DBASE = orcl3

Other Specific Settings

Settings for metamodel differences: Configuration of the 'EXPORT_ORIG' session

This is a connection to a second Valuemation database with an "old" customizing version so that a customizer could export the metamodel differences.


EXP_HOST = localhost
EXP_PORT = 1521
EXP_DBASE = orcl

History session: Configuration of the 'HISTORY' session

A special connection for any access to history tables (technical) and the history view (generic).


HISTORY_HOST = localhost

See Also

Installation and Configuration of Valuemation Web Client

Authentication Configuration

VM Instance Configuration Files with Parameters

Deploying the *.war File on the Application Server

Server Identification in Connected Users

Https Communication and Security Certificates

Accessing Valuemation Web Client

Push Notification Service