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Deploying the *.war File on the Application Server

The deployment of the '*.war' file and the post-installation configuration of the Valuemation Web Client differ quite a lot on each of the supported web servers. The easiest and most straightforward one offers the Apache Tomcat servlet machine which is described here as a sample deployment.

For the other application servers, please ask for the dedicated documents:

  • HowToDeployOnBeaWebLogic10.doc
  • HowToDeployOnBeaWebLogicWithJDBC_10.doc
  • HowToDeployOnWebSphereWithJDBC_8_ab_VM4.1.doc
  • HowToDeployOnWebSphereWithJNDI_8_ab_VM4.1.doc
  • HowToInstallAndDeployOnGlassFishV3WithJDBC.docx
  • HowToInstallAndDeployOnGlassFishV3WithJNDI.docx
  • HowToInstallAndDeployOnJBoss7WithJDBC.docx
  • HowToInstallAndDeployOnJBoss7WithJNDI.docx

These documents are available on request via the Valuemation Support pages of the USU web site.

Supported Versions of the Application Servers

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Tomcat Deployment

Deployment is the term used for the process of installing a web application (either a 3rd party WAR or your own custom web application) onto the Tomcat server.

The web application deployment may be accomplished in a number of ways within the Tomcat server:

  • Statically - the web application is setup before Tomcat is started (unzipped to '<tomcat>/webapps/vmweb' )
  • Dynamically - by directly manipulating the already deployed web applications (relying on the auto-deployment feature) or remotely by using the Tomcat Manager web application.

The Tomcat Manager is a web application that can be used interactively (via HTML GUI) or programmatically (via the URL-based API) to deploy and manage web applications.

More information is available at:

See Also

Installation and Configuration of Valuemation Web Client

Configuration of the Database Connection

Authentication Configuration

VM Instance Configuration Files with Parameters

Server Identification in Connected Users

Https Communication and Security Certificates

Accessing Valuemation Web Client

Push Notification Service