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Server Identification in Connected Users

If users are connected through the web client, it is not possible (with the standard configuration) to identify the server on which the connected users are logged (the Host Name in the 'Connected Users' catalog shows only 'API').

In some cases, it may be beneficial to have the possibility to detect which server the users are logged on. For example, to warn the logged users before the server restarts. This can be enabled using the 'vmweb.servername' configuration parameter.

The value of the parameter defines the name of the server where the application is deployed. This server name is used for logging into the Sessions objects.

  • When the value of the parameter is defined, it is logged into Sessions objects as part of the Host Name attribute. The value is stored in form 'ServerName | ClientIP', where ServerName is value of this parameter and ClientIP is IP address of the client (which is in most cases the IP address of some prepending load balancing server).
  • When the value is not defined or empty, only ClientIP is logged (no server identification).

Setting the Parameter

The parameter can be set by standard way in 'web.xml', '' file and JNDI resource evnironment entry.

Additionally, it can be also set by Java System Property (e.g. java.exe -Dvmweb.servername=Server01).

The value from JVM System Property has a higher priority.

See Also

Installation and Configuration of Valuemation Web Client

Configuration of the Database Connection

Authentication Configuration

VM Instance Configuration Files with Parameters

Deploying the *.war File on the Application Server

Https Communication and Security Certificates

Accessing Valuemation Web Client

Push Notification Service