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Data Set Creation

In the next step, it is necessary to specify data set for the report.

  1. Go to the 'Data' tab in 'Report Explorer' and call the right-click context menu. To work with the Valuemation-generated XML, choose the 'JDBC' option.

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  2. The 'JDBC Data Source' dialog opens. Click the '+' button ('Add a new connection') left of 'Available Queries' and fill in all mandatory data.

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    • Custom Connection URL


    • Custom Driver Class Name

    • User Name

      Valuemation Analytics

    • Password


    • Connection Type

      Generic database

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    You can press the 'Test' button at the bottom of the dialog to test if the file is accessible by the driver.

  3. To create the actual data set for the report, Click the '+' button ('Add a query…') right of 'Available Queries'.
    • In the 'Query Name' field, provide a name for the query
    • In the 'Query' pane, type or copy the select statement.

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    It is also possible to design the SQL statement graphically by using the SQL Query Designer. To do so, click the yellow pencil button in the upper right-hand corner above the query pane. The 'SQL Query Designer' window opens.

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    The entered data can be previewed in the 'JDBC Data Source" dialog.

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  4. Click the 'OK' button.

    The new data set with all properties should appears in the Report Explorer 'Data' tab.

    If not, run action 'Select Query' for the dataset.

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See Also

Report Creation

Page Setup

Report design


Report Stylesheet

Report parameters