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Relation Customizer

The Relation Customizer enables you to set connections and dependencies between isolated object types defined in the Object Type Customizer.

The Relation Customizer works with two key components:

  • The Editor

    This component enables you to edit the existing relations only. The current relations can be opened in the editor where they can be modified according to the users´requirements.

  • The Relation Wizard

    This tool is intended for creating new relations only. When creating a new relation, the wizard is launched and leads you step by step through the whole process of the relation creation.

A kind of the covering interface of the Relation Customizer is represented by the Relation browser. It provides an overview of all existing relations and serves as the starting point for the creation and editing of relations.

Calling the Relation Customizer

The Relation Customizer is primarily accessed from the Customization Browser. In the lower section of the Customization Browser, there is the 'Relations' tab with the Relation browser below and the adjacent control buttons which allow you to call the Relation Customizer in the following way:

  • If you select and double click a relation directly in the Relation browser, the Relation Customizer for the selected relation is called.
  • Use the control buttons next to the Relation browser to perform the basic operations such as Edit, Create, Remove or Edit Target Object Type.

Note: While the 'Edit' actions call the Relation Customizer in the edit mode, if you start creating a new relation by clicking the 'Create' button, the Relation Wizard which guides you through the process of creating a relation is called.

See Also

Managing Relations

Relation Browser

Working with the Relation Customizer
